Amazon Job Interview: Leadership Principles


Amazon's Leadership Principles are the core of their business and play a crucial role in their job interviews. These principles are a set of guiding values that inform the way Amazon conducts its business and makes decisions, and they are an integral part of the company's culture.

If you are preparing for a job interview with Amazon, it's essential that you not only understand these Leadership Principles, but also be able to demonstrate how your experience and attitude align with them.

Amazon is looking for candidates who embody these values and can bring them to bear in their work.

There are 16 Leadership Principles in total, and they cover a wide range of areas, including customer focus, innovation, high standards, frugality, trust, and results.

To prepare for your interview, it's important to familiarize yourself with each of these principles and think about how your experiences and skills align with them.

When answering interview questions, be prepared to give specific examples of how you have applied these principles in your previous work.

For example, if the interviewer asks about your experience with customer focus, you could talk about a time when you went above and beyond to meet the needs of a customer, or when you worked to understand the customer's perspective in order to find a solution to their problem.

It's also important to show that you have the right attitude and mindset to succeed at Amazon. This means being willing to take on challenges, learn from your mistakes, and think big.

You should be able to demonstrate that you are a proactive, results-oriented individual who is not afraid to take risks and try new things.

As you familiarize yourself with Amazon's leadership principles, think of moments in your career where you exemplified these qualities:

1. Customer Obsession

"Leaders start with the customer and work backwards. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers."

Customer obsession is a core principle for effective leaders. These leaders prioritize the needs and wants of their customers above all else, and work tirelessly to earn and maintain their trust.

While it is important to be aware of competitors, customer-centric leaders focus primarily on meeting the needs of their customers and delivering exceptional service.

By obsessing over customers, leaders can foster strong, long-lasting relationships and drive business success.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have I ever gone above and beyond to understand the needs and preferences of a customer? How did I approach this situation, and what was the outcome?

  • Can I recall a time when I proactively sought customer feedback and used it to improve a product or service? How did I gather and analyze the feedback, and what actions did I take based on it?

  • Have I ever encountered a challenging customer situation and successfully resolved it while maintaining a focus on their needs and satisfaction? What was the issue, and how did I handle it?

  • Can I think of a situation where I anticipated customer requirements or identified a problem before they even noticed it? How did I address the situation and exceed their expectations?

  • Have I ever led a team or collaborated with others to deliver exceptional customer service? How did I foster a customer-centric mindset within the team, and what were the outcomes achieved?

  • Can I share an example where I had to make a difficult decision that prioritized customer satisfaction over other considerations? What factors did I weigh, and what was the impact of that decision?

  • Have I ever contributed to improving internal processes or systems to enhance the customer experience? What changes did I propose or implement, and what were the results?

  • Can I recall a time when I leveraged data or customer insights to drive business decisions that directly benefited customers? How did I analyze the information and what actions did I take?

  • Have I ever received positive feedback or recognition from customers for my dedication to their satisfaction? How did I earn their trust and establish a lasting relationship?

  • Can I share an example where I advocated for customers' needs or preferences within my organization, even if it meant challenging existing practices or protocols? How did I navigate the situation, and what was the outcome?

Reflecting on these questions will help you identify specific experiences that demonstrate your customer obsession and align well with Amazon's leadership principle during the interview.

Remember to provide concrete details, focus on outcomes, and highlight how your actions benefited the customers and contributed to their satisfaction.

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2. Ownership

"Leaders are owners. They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They never say 'that’s not my job'.”

Effective leaders embody a sense of ownership and take a long-term approach to their work. They prioritize the overall success of the company over short-term gains, and are willing to take responsibility for the actions and outcomes of their team.

These leaders also understand that their role extends beyond their own team, and are committed to acting in the best interest of the entire organization.

They never shy away from tasks or challenges that fall outside of their defined job responsibilities, and are always willing to go the extra mile to contribute to the success of the company.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I took ownership of a project or task that was beyond my assigned responsibilities? How did I identify the opportunity, and what steps did I take to ensure its success?

  • Have I ever encountered a problem or challenge that required me to think long-term rather than focusing on immediate results? How did I approach the situation, and what was the outcome of my long-term thinking?

  • Can I share an example where I willingly accepted responsibility for a mistake or failure, even if it wasn't directly my fault? How did I handle the situation, and what actions did I take to learn from it and prevent future occurrences?

  • Have I ever stepped up to bridge gaps or resolve conflicts between different teams or departments within an organization? How did I facilitate collaboration and ensure the overall success of the company?

  • Can I recall a time when I proactively identified a problem or opportunity that had the potential to impact the long-term value of the company? How did I raise awareness about it, and what actions did I take to address or leverage it?

  • Have I ever taken the initiative to develop my skills or knowledge outside of my job requirements in order to better contribute to the organization? How did I pursue growth and how did it benefit the company?

  • Can I share an example where I demonstrated a strong sense of ownership by taking the lead in implementing process improvements or efficiency measures? What steps did I take to drive the changes, and what were the outcomes?

  • Have I ever gone above and beyond to support my colleagues or team members, even if it meant taking on additional tasks or responsibilities? How did I contribute to their success and the overall success of the company?

  • Can I recall a time when I had to make a tough decision that prioritized the long-term value of the company over short-term gains? What factors did I consider, and how did my decision impact the organization in the long run?

  • Have I received recognition or feedback for my sense of ownership and dedication to the overall success of the company? How did I demonstrate my commitment, and what were the outcomes?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ownership mindset and illustrate how you have acted in the best interest of the entire organization.

Remember to provide specific details, emphasize the long-term perspective, and highlight the positive impact your actions had on the company's success.

3. Invent and Simplify

"Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find ways to simplify. They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by 'not invented here.' As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time."

Innovation and simplicity are integral to effective leadership. These leaders encourage and expect their teams to be creative and find new ways of doing things, and are always seeking ways to streamline processes and reduce complexity.

They are open to new ideas from any source and are not limited by a "not invented here" mentality.

At the same time, they understand that pursuing new ventures and ideas may lead to misunderstandings and challenges in the short term, and are willing to persevere through these obstacles in pursuit of long-term success.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I introduced a new idea or innovation that had a positive impact on a project or process? How did I come up with the idea, and what steps did I take to implement it?

  • Have I ever actively sought out new ideas or solutions from various sources, both internal and external to my team? How did I incorporate these ideas into my work and leverage them to drive innovation?

  • Can I share an example where I identified a complex process or system and successfully simplified it, leading to improved efficiency or customer experience? How did I approach the simplification, and what were the outcomes?

  • Have I ever faced resistance or misunderstandings when pursuing a new idea or innovative approach? How did I navigate through these challenges and eventually gain support for the innovation?

  • Can I recall a time when I encouraged my team members or colleagues to think creatively and push the boundaries of what was previously considered possible? How did I foster an environment of innovation and invention?

  • Have I ever proactively sought feedback or input from others to improve a product, service, or process? How did I gather the feedback, and what actions did I take based on it?

  • Can I share an example where I took the initiative to explore and implement emerging technologies or methodologies to drive innovation? How did I stay externally aware and leverage these advancements in my work?

  • Have I ever challenged the status quo or traditional ways of doing things to bring about positive change? How did I overcome resistance and demonstrate the value of the new approach?

  • Can I recall a situation where I embraced a new project or venture, even though it was initially misunderstood or faced skepticism? How did I persevere and eventually prove its value over time?

  • Have I received recognition or feedback for my ability to invent and simplify? How did my innovative mindset and focus on simplicity contribute to the success of a project or the organization as a whole?

Reflecting on these questions will help you identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to drive innovation, embrace new ideas, and simplify complex processes.

Be sure to provide specific examples, emphasize the positive outcomes of your actions, and showcase your willingness to persevere through challenges for long-term success.

4. Are Right, A Lot

"Leaders are right a lot. They have strong judgment and good instincts. They seek diverse perspectives and work to disconfirm their beliefs."

Effective leaders possess strong judgment and instincts, and are able to make sound decisions on a consistent basis.

They are open to diverse perspectives and actively seek out information that challenges their own beliefs, in order to arrive at the most informed and accurate conclusions.

This ability to "be right a lot" enables leaders to navigate challenges and make informed, strategic decisions that drive the success of their organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I made a well-informed decision based on my judgment and instincts? How did I gather the necessary information, weigh different factors, and arrive at a conclusion that proved to be accurate and beneficial?

  • Have I ever actively sought out diverse perspectives and opinions before making a significant decision? How did I gather these perspectives, and how did they contribute to my overall judgment and decision-making process?

  • Can I share an example where I recognized that my initial beliefs or assumptions were incorrect, and actively sought to disconfirm them? How did I challenge my own thinking, and what actions did I take to course-correct and make more accurate decisions?

  • Have I ever faced a complex problem or situation where I had to synthesize multiple sources of information and arrive at a well-founded conclusion? How did I manage the complexity and ensure that my decision was well-informed and accurate?

  • Can I recall a time when I utilized data and analytics to inform my decision-making process? How did I gather and analyze the data, and how did it contribute to the accuracy of my decisions?

  • Have I ever sought feedback or input from subject matter experts or experienced individuals to enhance the accuracy of my decisions? How did I leverage their expertise, and how did it impact the quality of my judgment?

  • Can I share an example where I had to make a decision under uncertainty or with limited information? How did I approach the situation, and what steps did I take to mitigate risks and maximize the accuracy of my decision?

  • Have I ever encountered a situation where I had to make a tough judgment call that went against popular opinion or conventional wisdom? How did I uphold my convictions and arrive at a decision that proved to be right in the long run?

  • Can I recall a time when I actively sought feedback or conducted post-analysis of my decisions to identify areas for improvement? How did I incorporate the feedback or insights gained to enhance my judgment and decision-making skills?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my ability to be right a lot and make accurate judgments? How did my strong judgment and instincts contribute to the success of a project or the organization as a whole?

Reflecting on these questions will help you identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to make accurate decisions, seek diverse perspectives, and challenge your own beliefs.

Provide specific examples, highlight the positive outcomes of your decisions, and showcase how your judgment and instincts have contributed to the success of projects or the organization.

5. Learn and Be Curious

"Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them."

A commitment to learning and curiosity is essential for effective leadership. These leaders understand that there is always room for improvement, and actively seek out opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills.

They are curious about new possibilities and are willing to take action to explore and pursue them.

This ongoing desire to learn and grow enables leaders to stay at the forefront of their field and drive the success of their organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I actively pursued learning opportunities to improve my skills or knowledge? How did I identify the areas for growth, and what steps did I take to expand my understanding or capabilities?

  • Have I ever sought out new perspectives or alternative approaches to solve a problem or challenge? How did I explore different possibilities and incorporate diverse ideas into my work?

  • Can I share an example where I took the initiative to explore a new technology, concept, or industry trend that had the potential to benefit my work or organization? How did I delve into the subject and what were the outcomes of my exploration?

  • Have I ever actively sought feedback from colleagues, mentors, or experts to gain insights and improve my performance? How did I leverage the feedback and incorporate it into my development?

  • Can I recall a time when I took on a new project or task outside of my comfort zone to broaden my skills and knowledge? How did I approach the challenge and what were the outcomes of my willingness to learn and take risks?

  • Have I ever shared my learning experiences or knowledge with others to foster a culture of curiosity and continuous improvement? How did I communicate and disseminate the information to benefit my team or organization?

  • Can I share an example where I demonstrated curiosity and a desire to explore new possibilities that resulted in a successful innovation or process improvement? How did I encourage experimentation and what were the positive outcomes?

  • Have I actively pursued self-development opportunities such as attending workshops, conferences, or online courses to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices? How did these experiences contribute to my growth as a leader?

  • Can I recall a situation where I questioned existing practices or assumptions, and proactively sought to challenge and improve them? How did I approach the situation and what steps did I take to drive positive change?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my commitment to learning and curiosity? How has my continuous learning mindset contributed to personal and professional growth, as well as the success of projects or the organization?

Reflecting on these questions will help you identify experiences that demonstrate your commitment to learning, curiosity, and continuous improvement.

Provide specific examples, highlight the outcomes of your learning endeavors, and showcase how your curiosity has positively influenced your own development and the success of projects or the organization as a whole.

6. Hire and Develop the Best

"Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization. Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others. We work on behalf of our people to invent mechanisms for development like Career Choice."

Effective leaders are committed to hiring and developing the best talent, and continually raise the bar for performance within their organization. They are skilled at identifying exceptional individuals and are willing to promote and move them throughout the company to maximize their potential.

These leaders also take an active role in coaching and developing others, and work to create opportunities for growth and development within the organization, such as through programs like Career Choice.

By focusing on hiring and developing top talent, leaders can create a strong and successful team that drives the success of the organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I actively participated in the hiring process and contributed to identifying and selecting exceptional talent? How did I assess candidates and what criteria did I use to recognize their potential for success?

  • Have I ever played a role in promoting or moving talented individuals within an organization to maximize their impact and potential? How did I identify these individuals and advocate for their advancement?

  • Can I share an example where I took on the responsibility of coaching and mentoring others to help them develop their skills and reach their full potential? How did I provide guidance and support, and what outcomes did my coaching efforts yield?

  • Have I actively worked on creating mechanisms or programs within my team or organization to foster the development and growth of employees, such as training initiatives or mentorship programs? How did I contribute to designing and implementing these mechanisms?

  • Can I recall a time when I recognized and capitalized on the strengths and talents of my team members to maximize their contributions? How did I align their skills and interests with the organization's needs to drive success?

  • Have I actively sought out opportunities to provide constructive feedback and create a culture of continuous improvement within my team or organization? How did I approach feedback conversations and encourage growth and development?

  • Can I share an example where I took an active role in the development of future leaders by providing them with challenging assignments or opportunities for growth? How did I identify potential leaders and support their development?

  • Have I ever championed the importance of hiring and developing the best talent within my organization or team? How did I communicate and advocate for this principle, and what impact did it have on the overall performance and success of the organization?

  • Can I recall a situation where I took a calculated risk in hiring or promoting someone who showed exceptional potential, even if they didn't possess all the traditional qualifications? How did I assess their capabilities and create an environment for their success?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my efforts in hiring and developing top talent? How has my commitment to identifying and nurturing exceptional individuals contributed to the success and growth of the team or organization?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your dedication to hiring and developing the best talent.

Provide specific examples, emphasize the outcomes of your efforts, and showcase how your focus on talent acquisition and development has contributed to the success of the team or organization.

7. Insist on the Highest Standards

"Leaders have relentlessly high standards — many people may think these standards are unreasonably high. Leaders are continually raising the bar and drive their teams to deliver high quality products, services, and processes. Leaders ensure that defects do not get sent down the line and that problems are fixed so they stay fixed."

Effective leaders are known for their high standards and their relentless drive to deliver the highest quality products, services, and processes.

They hold themselves and their teams to an exceptionally high bar, and work to continuously raise the standards of their organization. These leaders are also committed to eliminating defects and ensuring that problems are thoroughly addressed and resolved.

By insisting on the highest standards, leaders can drive the success of their organization and deliver exceptional results.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I set and maintained exceptionally high standards for myself and my team? How did I define these standards, communicate them, and ensure they were consistently upheld?

  • Have I ever implemented processes or quality control measures to ensure that defects or errors were caught early on and prevented from progressing further? How did I identify areas for improvement and implement measures to address them?

  • Can I share an example where I took ownership of a problem or issue and worked diligently to fix it so that it did not reoccur? How did I investigate the root cause, develop a solution, and ensure that it was effectively implemented and sustained?

  • Have I actively sought out customer feedback or insights to understand their expectations and align my team's standards with those expectations? How did I incorporate customer feedback into our processes and deliverables?

  • Can I recall a time when I pushed my team to deliver exceptional quality despite facing tight deadlines or challenging circumstances? How did I motivate and inspire them to maintain high standards and deliver outstanding results?

  • Have I implemented quality assurance or continuous improvement initiatives within my team or organization to raise the bar and drive excellence? How did I foster a culture of continuous improvement and ensure that standards were consistently met or exceeded?

  • Can I share an example where I identified a gap in the existing standards or processes and took initiative to raise the bar and drive improvements? How did I communicate the need for change and rally support to implement higher standards?

  • Have I actively sought professional development opportunities or certifications to enhance my own skills and knowledge, ensuring that I meet the highest standards in my field? How did these efforts contribute to my ability to drive excellence within my team?

  • Can I recall a situation where I received feedback or recognition for consistently delivering high-quality results? How did my commitment to the highest standards contribute to the success and reputation of the organization?

  • Have I faced challenges or resistance when insisting on the highest standards? How did I navigate these obstacles and maintain my commitment to excellence?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your unwavering commitment to the highest standards.

Provide specific examples, highlight the outcomes of your efforts, and showcase how your focus on quality and excellence has contributed to the success and reputation of your team or organization.

8. Think Big

"Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results. They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers."

Effective leaders think big and inspire their teams to do the same. They set bold, ambitious goals and create a clear vision for their organization that motivates and inspires others to achieve success.

These leaders are willing to think differently and explore new possibilities in order to better serve their customers and drive the success of their organization.

By thinking big, leaders can create a culture of innovation and achievement within their team.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I set and communicated a bold, ambitious goal for my team or organization? How did this goal challenge the status quo and inspire others to think big and push beyond their comfort zones?

  • Have I ever challenged conventional thinking and looked for innovative solutions or approaches to better serve customers or address organizational challenges? How did I foster a culture of creative thinking and encourage others to explore new possibilities?

  • Can I share an example where I identified emerging trends or future opportunities that others may have overlooked, and developed strategies to capitalize on them? How did I encourage a forward-thinking mindset and drive initiatives to seize those opportunities?

  • Have I actively sought out diverse perspectives and ideas to expand my thinking and broaden my understanding of possibilities? How did I incorporate these perspectives into my decision-making and problem-solving processes?

  • Can I recall a time when I pushed the boundaries of what was considered achievable and inspired my team to reach for audacious goals? How did I communicate the vision and rally support to drive collective efforts towards a bigger vision?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities to challenge existing processes or systems that may limit growth or innovation? How did I encourage others to question the status quo and explore new ways of doing things?

  • Can I share an example where I took calculated risks to pursue a significant opportunity or address a major challenge? How did I overcome resistance or uncertainty, and what were the outcomes of embracing a bold approach?

  • Have I actively sought out thought leadership, industry trends, and market insights to inform my strategic thinking and envision a bigger future for my team or organization? How did these external perspectives shape my vision and strategy?

  • Can I recall a situation where I communicated a compelling narrative or story that painted a vivid picture of a bigger future and inspired others to rally behind it? How did I engage stakeholders and foster excitement and commitment towards that vision?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my ability to think big and inspire others? How has my visionary mindset contributed to the growth, innovation, or success of the team or organization?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to think big, set ambitious goals, and inspire others to embrace a bold vision.

Provide specific examples, highlight the outcomes of your efforts, and showcase how your forward-thinking mindset has contributed to the growth, innovation, or success of your team or organization.

9. Bias for Action

"Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking"

Effective leaders possess a bias for action, recognizing that speed is critical in business.

They are willing to make decisions and take action quickly, even if those decisions are reversible, and are comfortable taking calculated risks.

This proactive approach enables leaders to move swiftly and seize opportunities as they arise, helping to drive the success of their organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I made a quick decision without extensive study, and it led to a positive outcome? How did I assess the situation, gather the necessary information, and take decisive action?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities to streamline processes or eliminate unnecessary steps that were causing delays or inefficiencies? How did I identify areas for improvement and take immediate action to increase speed and effectiveness?

  • Can I share an example where I embraced calculated risk-taking to seize an opportunity or overcome a challenge? How did I assess the potential risks and benefits, and what steps did I take to mitigate any potential negative outcomes?

  • Have I demonstrated a sense of urgency in my work, prioritizing tasks and projects to ensure timely completion? How did I manage competing priorities and motivate my team to take swift action?

  • Can I recall a time when I facilitated quick decision-making and action within a team or organization? How did I encourage collaboration, provide clear guidelines, and empower others to take ownership and drive results?

  • Have I actively sought feedback or input from stakeholders to make informed decisions quickly? How did I balance the need for speed with the importance of gathering diverse perspectives and considering different viewpoints?

  • Can I share an example where I identified an opportunity for innovation or improvement and immediately took action to capitalize on it? How did I rally support, allocate resources, and navigate any challenges that arose?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my ability to take quick action and deliver results? How has my bias for action contributed to the success and agility of my team or organization?

  • Can I recall a situation where I had to navigate ambiguity and make decisions with limited information? How did I rely on my intuition, experience, and available data to take action in a timely manner?

  • Have I actively fostered a culture of action and initiative within my team or organization? How did I encourage and reward proactive behavior, empowering individuals to take ownership and drive progress?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your bias for action and ability to make quick decisions in a calculated and effective manner.

Provide specific examples, highlight the outcomes of your actions, and showcase how your bias for action has contributed to driving success and achieving results in a fast-paced business environment.

10. Frugality

"Accomplish more with less. Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and invention. There are no extra points for growing headcount, budget size, or fixed expense."

Frugality is an important principle for effective leaders. These leaders strive to accomplish more with fewer resources, recognizing that constraints can foster resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and innovation.

They are mindful of their organization's budget and avoid unnecessary expenses, understanding that there is no inherent value in growing headcount or increasing fixed costs.

By embracing frugality, leaders can drive efficiency and effectiveness within their organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I successfully achieved significant results or outcomes while operating within tight budget constraints? How did I prioritize resources, make strategic decisions, and leverage available assets to maximize efficiency and effectiveness?

  • Have I demonstrated resourcefulness and self-sufficiency in finding innovative solutions or workarounds when faced with limited resources or unexpected challenges? How did I encourage creative thinking and inspire my team to find efficient ways of accomplishing goals?

  • Can I share an example where I actively identified and eliminated unnecessary expenses or reduced costs without compromising the quality or delivery of a project or service? How did I analyze budgets, assess spending patterns, and implement cost-saving measures?

  • Have I played a role in fostering a culture of frugality within my team or organization? How did I encourage others to be mindful of resources, avoid waste, and prioritize efficiency in their work?

  • Can I recall a time when I had to make difficult decisions to optimize resource allocation, balancing competing priorities and needs? How did I weigh the trade-offs and communicate transparently with stakeholders to ensure alignment and maximize the impact of available resources?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities to streamline processes, eliminate redundancies, or automate tasks to increase operational efficiency? How did I identify areas for improvement, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and implement changes that reduced waste and improved productivity?

  • Can I share an example where I leveraged technology or innovative approaches to achieve more with fewer resources? How did I identify and implement scalable solutions that provided long-term cost savings or improved operational effectiveness?

  • Have I demonstrated an ability to lead by example in embracing frugality, modeling behaviors such as avoiding unnecessary expenses, promoting a lean mindset, and maximizing the value of available resources?

  • Can I recall a situation where I successfully influenced stakeholders or team members to embrace frugality and consider the long-term impact of their decisions on resource allocation? How did I communicate the benefits of frugality, address concerns or resistance, and inspire others to adopt efficient practices?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities for professional development or continuous learning to enhance my knowledge of cost management, efficiency optimization, or resource allocation strategies? How have I applied this knowledge to drive frugality within my role or organization?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to accomplish more with less, drive resourcefulness, and prioritize efficiency.

Provide specific examples, highlight the positive outcomes or impact of your actions, and emphasize your commitment to leveraging constraints as opportunities for innovation and success.

11. Earn Trust

"Leaders listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully. They are vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing. Leaders do not believe their or their team’s body odor smells of perfume. They benchmark themselves and their teams against the best."

Earning trust is a critical aspect of effective leadership. These leaders are skilled at listening attentively, speaking candidly, and treating others with respect.

They are vocally self-critical and hold themselves and their teams to high standards, benchmarking themselves against the best in their field.

By consistently demonstrating these qualities, leaders can earn the trust and respect of their team and stakeholders, and foster a positive and productive work environment.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I actively listened to the concerns, ideas, and feedback of team members or stakeholders? How did I demonstrate genuine interest and empathy, and how did this contribute to building trust and fostering open communication?

  • Have I been able to speak candidly and provide constructive feedback, even in challenging or sensitive situations? How did I approach these conversations respectfully and ensure that the feedback was well-received and led to positive outcomes?

  • Can I share an example where I took accountability for a mistake or failure, and openly acknowledged it to my team or stakeholders? How did I demonstrate vulnerability and use the experience as an opportunity for growth and learning?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities for self-improvement and development, both professionally and personally? How have I benchmarked my skills, knowledge, and performance against industry best practices, and how has this commitment to self-improvement earned the trust and respect of others?

  • Can I recall a situation where I advocated for transparency and honesty within my team or organization? How did I encourage open dialogue, share information openly, and foster an environment of trust and integrity?

  • Have I been able to establish credibility and build trust with stakeholders by consistently delivering on my commitments and exceeding expectations? How did I set clear expectations, communicate progress, and ensure that the trust placed in me was well-founded?

  • Can I share an example where I actively supported the professional growth and development of my team members? How did I provide opportunities for learning, empower them to take ownership of their work, and create a supportive environment where trust could flourish?

  • Have I demonstrated inclusivity and respect for diverse perspectives within my team or organization? How did I promote an inclusive culture, value different viewpoints, and ensure that everyone felt heard and respected?

  • Can I recall a situation where I actively sought feedback from team members or stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations? How did I use this feedback to improve my leadership approach, build trust, and align my actions with the interests of others?

  • Have I successfully built and maintained strong relationships with key stakeholders or partners based on trust and mutual respect? How did I foster collaboration, establish clear channels of communication, and ensure that the interests of all parties were considered and addressed?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to earn trust through active listening, respectful communication, accountability, transparency, and inclusive leadership.

Provide specific examples, emphasize the positive outcomes or impact of your actions, and highlight your commitment to building and maintaining trust-based relationships.

12. Dive Deep

"Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ. No task is beneath them."

Effective leaders are willing to roll up their sleeves and dive deep into the details of their work. They operate at all levels of their organization, staying connected to the nuts and bolts of their operations and frequently auditing their processes.

These leaders are also skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ, and are not afraid to get their hands dirty and tackle any task that is necessary for the success of their organization.

By embracing this hands-on approach, leaders can drive efficiency and ensure that their team is operating at its best.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I actively immersed myself in the details of a project or task, going beyond surface-level understanding? How did I gather relevant information, analyze data, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation?

  • Have I demonstrated the ability to oper at different levels within an organization, engaging with both high-level strategy and day-to-day operational details? How did I balance the need for strategic thinking with a hands-on approach to ensure effective execution?

  • Can I share an example where I conducted regular audits or reviews of processes or systems to identify areas for improvement or potential risks? How did I use these insights to make informed decisions and drive operational excellence?

  • Have I displayed a healthy skepticism when encountering discrepancies between metrics and anecdotal evidence? How did I investigate further, ask probing questions, and seek additional information to reconcile the differences and arrive at a more accurate understanding?

  • Can I recall a time when I willingly took on a task or responsibility that others may have considered beneath their role or level? How did I approach the task with a positive attitude, recognizing its importance in achieving the desired outcome?

  • Have I actively sought to stay connected to the details of my work by regularly engaging with frontline employees, observing operations, or participating in hands-on tasks? How did this firsthand experience inform my decision-making and enable me to provide valuable insights?

  • Can I share an example where my deep understanding of a specific area or process allowed me to identify and resolve a complex problem or challenge? How did I leverage my expertise to provide effective solutions and drive positive outcomes?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities for continuous learning and skill development to enhance my understanding of key areas within my organization? How did I proactively seek out training, resources, or mentorship to deepen my knowledge and contribute more effectively?

  • Can I recall a situation where my ability to dive deep and analyze data or information led to a significant improvement in performance or efficiency? How did I use my analytical skills to identify patterns, trends, or opportunities for optimization?

  • Have I played a role in fostering a culture of diving deep within my team or organization? How did I encourage others to prioritize a thorough understanding of their work and make data-driven decisions?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to dive deep, analyze details, and make informed decisions based on thorough understanding.

Provide specific examples, highlight the positive outcomes or impact of your actions, and emphasize your commitment to driving operational excellence through a hands-on approach.

13. Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit

"Leaders are obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting. Leaders have conviction and are tenacious. They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is determined, they commit wholly."

Effective leaders possess backbone and are not afraid to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when doing so may be uncomfortable or difficult.

They are tenacious and have conviction in their beliefs, and do not compromise for the sake of maintaining social cohesion.

Once a decision has been made, these leaders are fully committed to its success and work tirelessly to see it through. This combination of conviction and commitment enables leaders to drive progress and achieve their goals.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I respectfully challenged a decision or course of action that I disagreed with? How did I express my differing perspective, providing a thoughtful rationale and alternative solution?

  • Have I demonstrated conviction and tenacity in standing up for what I believe is right, even when it was challenging or unpopular? How did I navigate through the discomfort and maintain my commitment to my principles?

  • Can I share an example where I actively participated in a constructive debate or discussion, offering differing viewpoints and contributing to a more well-rounded decision-making process? How did I listen to others, engage in respectful dialogue, and work towards finding the best possible solution?

  • Have I been involved in a situation where I needed to advocate for a specific course of action despite facing resistance or opposition? How did I gather supporting evidence, build a compelling case, and gain buy-in from stakeholders to move forward?

  • Can I recall a time when I had to make a difficult decision and commit to it wholeheartedly, even though it may have initially been met with skepticism or doubt? How did I demonstrate unwavering dedication to the decision and rally others to support its implementation?

  • Have I actively sought feedback from others, especially those who hold different perspectives or opinions, to gain a broader understanding of a situation? How did I navigate through disagreements, finding common ground and areas of agreement to move forward effectively?

  • Can I share an example where I showed resilience and adaptability in adjusting my viewpoint or position based on new information or insights? How did I demonstrate intellectual honesty and a willingness to reconsider my stance in light of compelling evidence?

  • Have I played a role in fostering a culture of healthy debate and open dialogue within a team or organization? How did I encourage others to voice their opinions, challenge assumptions, and contribute to better decision-making processes?

  • Can I recall a situation where I played a key role in facilitating a consensus-building process among team members with diverse perspectives and interests? How did I facilitate discussions, find common ground, and foster a shared commitment to the final decision?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities to learn from situations where I disagreed and committed, reflecting on the outcomes and incorporating those learnings into future decision-making processes?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to respectfully challenge decisions, exhibit conviction and tenacity, and commit to a course of action.

Provide specific examples, highlight the positive outcomes or learnings from those experiences, and emphasize your commitment to achieving the best results through effective collaboration and decision-making.

14. Deliver Results

"Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle."

Effective leaders are results-driven, and focus on the key inputs for their business in order to deliver the best possible outcomes.

They prioritize quality and timeliness, and are undaunted by setbacks, always rising to the occasion and never settling for less than their best.

By delivering consistently strong results, leaders can drive the success of their organization and achieve their goals.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I identified the key inputs necessary for achieving a specific goal or outcome? How did I prioritize these inputs and ensure their delivery with the right level of quality and timeliness?

  • Have I consistently met or exceeded performance targets or goals within my role or organization? How did I set ambitious yet realistic targets, develop action plans, and drive the necessary actions to achieve the desired results?

  • Can I share an example where I faced setbacks or challenges in delivering results, but persevered and achieved success? How did I demonstrate resilience and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles and finding alternative solutions?

  • Have I taken initiatives to streamline processes, improve efficiency, or optimize resources to enhance results? How did I identify areas for improvement and implement changes that positively impacted the outcome?

  • Can I recall a time when I successfully led a team or project to deliver exceptional results? How did I establish clear objectives, provide guidance and support, and motivate team members to perform at their best?

  • Have I actively sought feedback from stakeholders to ensure that the results I delivered met or exceeded their expectations? How did I incorporate feedback into my approach and make adjustments to continuously improve the quality and impact of my work?

  • Can I share an example where I consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a commitment to achieving results? How did I manage my time, set priorities, and maintain focus to deliver outcomes in a timely manner?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my ability to deliver results in a high-pressure or fast-paced environment? How have I contributed to the success of my team or organization through my focus on outcomes?

  • Can I recall a situation where I went above and beyond to ensure the quality and excellence of the results I delivered? How did I pay attention to detail, seek excellence, and ensure that the end product or outcome met the highest standards?

  • Have I actively sought opportunities to learn from past experiences and leverage them to improve future results? How did I reflect on previous successes or failures, identify lessons learned, and apply those insights to achieve better outcomes?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your ability to deliver results, overcome challenges, and drive success.

Provide specific examples, quantify the outcomes achieved when possible, and showcase your dedication to excellence and continuous improvement in delivering impactful results.

15. Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer

"Leaders work every day to create a safer, more productive, higher performing, more diverse, and more just work environment. They lead with empathy, have fun at work, and make it easy for others to have fun. Leaders ask themselves: Are my fellow employees growing? Are they empowered? Are they ready for what’s next? Leaders have a vision for and commitment to their employees’ personal success, whether that be at Amazon or elsewhere."

Effective leaders strive to create the best possible work environment for their employees, focusing on safety, productivity, performance, diversity, and fairness.

They lead with empathy, prioritize fun at work, and ensure that their employees are able to grow, develop, and succeed, both within their organization and beyond. These leaders have a clear vision for their employees' personal success, and are committed to supporting them as they grow and advance.

By prioritizing their employees' well-being and success, leaders can create a positive and thriving work environment that drives the success of their organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I prioritized the safety of my team and took steps to create a secure work environment? How did I implement safety protocols and foster a culture of care and well-being?

  • Have I actively worked to enhance productivity within my team or organization? How did I identify areas for improvement, streamline processes, or implement initiatives that increased efficiency and output?

  • Can I share an example where I promoted diversity and inclusion within my team or organization? How did I create opportunities for underrepresented individuals and ensure that diverse perspectives were valued and included?

  • Have I cultivated a work environment that embraces empathy and fosters positive relationships among team members? How did I encourage open communication, support my colleagues, and promote a culture of trust and collaboration?

  • Can I recall a time when I introduced initiatives or activities that brought fun and enjoyment to the workplace? How did I create a positive atmosphere and make it easy for others to have fun while maintaining productivity?

  • Have I actively supported the growth and development of my employees? How did I provide resources, training, or mentorship opportunities to empower them and prepare them for future challenges?

  • Can I share an example where I demonstrated a commitment to my employees' personal success, even if it meant supporting their career progression outside of my organization? How did I provide guidance, mentorship, or opportunities for advancement?

  • Have I received feedback or recognition for my efforts in creating a supportive and engaging work environment? How have my leadership practices contributed to employee satisfaction and retention?

  • Can I recall a situation where I addressed concerns or challenges raised by my team members, ensuring that they felt heard and valued? How did I take action to address these issues and improve their work experience?

  • Have I actively sought feedback from my employees to understand their needs, aspirations, and concerns? How did I incorporate this feedback into my leadership approach and make adjustments to better support their growth and well-being?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your commitment to being an exceptional employer.

Provide specific examples, highlight the outcomes of your efforts, and showcase how your leadership practices have created a safer, more productive, more diverse, and more enjoyable work environment.

16. Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility

"We started in a garage, but we’re not there anymore. We are big, we impact the world, and we are far from perfect. We must be humble and thoughtful about even the secondary effects of our actions. Our local communities, planet, and future generations need us to be better every day. We must begin each day with a determination to make better, do better, and be better for our customers, our employees, our partners, and the world at large. And we must end every day knowing we can do even more tomorrow. Leaders create more than they consume and always leave things better than how they found them."

As an organization grows and achieves success, it carries with it a broad responsibility to be a positive force in the world. This means being mindful of the impact of our actions, both primary and secondary, and working tirelessly to be a better company for our customers, employees, partners, and the world at large.

Effective leaders understand that this is a continuous process, and approach each day with a determination to make progress and leave things better than they found them. They create more than they consume, and are driven to do better and be better every day.

By embracing this sense of responsibility and purpose, leaders can drive the success and positive impact of their organization.

Interview Preparation Exercise

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I recall a situation where I demonstrated humility and thoughtfulness in considering the secondary effects of our actions as a team or organization? How did I approach decision-making to ensure that we were mindful of our impact on local communities, the planet, and future generations?

  • Have I actively sought out ways to improve our company's practices or policies to be more responsible and sustainable? How did I champion initiatives or changes that would benefit our customers, employees, partners, and the world at large?

  • Can I share an example where I took responsibility for the impact of our actions and actively worked to address any negative consequences? How did I collaborate with stakeholders to develop solutions or make improvements?

  • Have I engaged with local communities or organizations to understand their needs and contribute positively to their well-being? How did I foster relationships and develop initiatives that had a meaningful and lasting impact?

  • Can I recall a time when I went above and beyond to create positive change within my team or organization, leaving it better than how I found it? How did I identify areas for improvement and take action to drive progress?

  • Have I actively sought out opportunities to mentor or support others in their personal and professional growth? How did I contribute to the development and success of my colleagues, employees, or partners?

  • Can I share an example where I advocated for ethical practices or social responsibility within my team or organization? How did I promote a culture of doing the right thing and ensure that ethical considerations were integrated into our decision-making processes?

  • Have I actively sought feedback from customers, employees, or stakeholders to understand their perspectives and needs? How did I use this feedback to drive positive changes and enhance their experience?

  • Can I recall a situation where I identified a problem or opportunity that had a broad impact beyond my immediate scope of responsibility? How did I take ownership of the situation and collaborate with others to address it?

  • Have I received recognition or positive feedback for my efforts in making a positive difference within my team, organization, or community? How has my commitment to leaving things better contributed to the success and reputation of the company?

As you reflect on these questions, you will be able to identify experiences that demonstrate your commitment to broad responsibility and making a positive impact. Provide specific examples, highlight the outcomes of your efforts, and showcase how your actions have contributed to creating a better company for customers, employees, partners, and the world at large.

Amazon's Leadership Principles are an integral part of their business and job interviews. Understanding and demonstrating how your experience and attitude align with these principles will help you increase your chances of success in your interview and get you one step closer to the job you want at Amazon.

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“Tannia is the LEGEND!!! She is the best coach I’ve ever met. She taught me practical ways to build confidence and to improve answers for the interview. Thanks!” — Autumn R. | Korea


50 Behavioral Interview Questions + STAR Method


How to Answer Behavioral Questions About Problem-Solving