Business English Blog

Job Interviews Tannia Suarez Job Interviews Tannia Suarez

How to Prepare for a Google Job Interview

The first thing you need to do to prepare for a job interview is to get familiar with the company’s content and identify keywords.

This will help you be more strategic in how you prepare your interview answers. It will also give you the opportunity to highlight your best qualities and experiences so you can align yourself with what the company is looking for in that job position.

But where do you start?

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Job Interviews Tannia Suarez Job Interviews Tannia Suarez

Amazon Behavioral Interview Questions and Preparation Tips

The STAR method may seem intimidating at first, but I actually love it. It provides you with a formula you can use to structure your answers in a clear way and gives you the opportunity to highlight your skills and strengths.

For non-native speakers, this is a huge benefit because it helps you prepare your answers faster and more effectively, which gives you more time to work on your delivery - how you present your answers….

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