Tannia Suárez

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How to Create a Powerful Presentation Introduction

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When preparing your presentation, it's essential to remember that your audience's time is valuable, and they have likely attended many meetings before yours. To respect their time and capture their attention, focus on highlighting the benefits of the information you're presenting, rather than simply listing what they need to know.

Your slides can showcase the facts, but it's your job to explain the value and relevance to your audience. To engage them, you must explain why the topic is important to them and how it will benefit them.

It may take some practice and a shift in mindset to present in this way. Think of your presentation as a product and your introduction as a sales pitch. You need to make your audience understand why they need your product.

To effectively communicate the relevance and value of your presentation, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why is this important to them?

  • What's in it for them? How will they benefit from this?

  • How will it impact their work?

Answering these questions will help you to create an introduction that captures your audience's attention and sets the stage for an engaging and impactful presentation.

Example 1


Focusing only on the “what”:

  • Today, I'm going to describe a new process we've developed to expedite shipping.

Identify the “why”:

  • Why should my audience care?
    Faster shipping means better customer reviews.

  • What's in it for them?
    Better reviews means more sales.

  • How will it impact their work?
    More sales means they need to improve production, and they will also have bigger bonuses at the end of the year.


Crafting an engaging opener that combines the “what” and the “why”:

  • I’m sure you can all agree that we’ve had some pretty serious issues with our shipping process. I understand that you had concerns regarding the terrible reviews we've received because of these issues and how that has had a negative impact on our sales.

    Because of that, we've developed a more streamlined shipping process that will ensure better customer satisfaction and help us get our numbers up in time for the year-end bonus. Today, I'm going to explain the three main components of this new process while highlighting how it will impact each of your departments.

Example 2


Focusing only on the “what”:

  • Today, I'm going to talk about how we can focus our research to better define our target customer.


Using an unexpected story:

  • My inspiration for this meeting came from a fortune cookie. I ordered some Chinese takeout last week, and when I cracked open the fortune cookie, I felt like it would be the perfect guide for us today. It said, "A man who chases two rabbits catches neither."

    I'm sure you can all agree that we've been trying to speak to too many people, and by doing so, reached none effectively. So today, we're going to review our data to identify how we can best focus our message to attract the right buyer and increase our sales.

Notice how much more interesting it is and how it really gets your attention because you aren’t expecting to hear the presenter talk about a fortune cookie.

It takes time and practice to be able to craft effective introduction, but it is absolutely worth it. If you can engage your audience from the beginning, imagine how much more effective the rest of your presentation will be.

Instead of dreading presentations, appreciate them as opportunities to show off your leadership skills. Remember, you're there to add value because of your expertise.

Remember, if you just share the what, you may as well have just emailed everyone a copy of your presentation. The reason you're there is to interpret the what and make them see why the information matters.

This will set you apart and people will take notice of your strong presentation and communication skills.

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“Tannia is a very authentic person and is able to provide clients powerful and versatile communication tools that can be employed in daily conversations, in negotiations or in meetings. Recently, an American client told me that she’s really impressed with my English. It felt awesome. Thanks, Tannia, for your support!” —Chris G.