How to Answer Behavioral Questions About Problem-Solving


When answering questions about problem-solving and decision-making, it is important to showcase your ability to handle challenges and make informed choices. 

Demonstrate your problem-solving skills by discussing the steps you took to identify and analyze the problem, generate possible solutions, and implement a plan of action. Emphasize your decision-making abilities by highlighting how you considered various factors and made well-reasoned decisions in a timely manner. 

Remember, the key is not necessarily the outcome, but rather the process you used to arrive at a solution and make informed choices.

Storytelling Structure

The STAR method is a popular structure you can use to answer behavioral questions. It helps you to clearly articulate the situation, task, action, and result of a specific experience.

In my coaching sessions, I use the STARC method, which adds the step of Connection. This helps you to directly connect your experience to the job for which you are applying.

behavioral job interview questions

Here's how you can use the STARC method to structure your responses:

  • Situation: Describe the specific situation or problem that you were faced with. Be sure to provide enough context so that the interviewer understands the context of the situation.

  • Task: Explain the specific action that you took to address the problem or make the decision. This could be anything from researching possible solutions, to seeking input from others, to brainstorming ideas.

  • Action: Describe the steps you took to solve the problem or make the decision. This could include things like gathering information, analyzing options, considering the pros and cons, and weighing the potential risks and benefits.

  • Result: Share the results of your action. Did you successfully solve the problem or make a good decision? If so, how did you know? Did the situation improve as a result of your intervention? Be sure to highlight any positive outcomes or impact that you had on the situation.

  • Connection: Explain how the lessons and skills you learned from that experience will help you be better at this job.


Here's a more specific example of how you could use the STARC method to answer a question about problem solving and decision making:

  • S: In my last position as a manager, I was working on a project when I encountered a problem with one of our suppliers. The supplier had missed a deadline, which was causing delays for our project.

  • T: I recognized that this was a serious issue that needed to be addressed quickly, so I took the initiative to contact the supplier and find out what had caused the delay.

  • A: I gathered all the relevant information about the issue, including the supplier's explanation for the delay and the impact it was having on our project. I then considered a few different options for how to proceed, including finding a new supplier or negotiating a new deadline with the current supplier.

  • R: After weighing the pros and cons of each option, I ultimately decided to negotiate a new deadline with the current supplier. This decision turned out to be the right one, as the supplier was able to meet the new deadline and our project was able to stay on track. As a result, the project was completed on time and within budget.

  • C: By being proactive and approaching problem-solving creatively, I am able to prevent bigger issues, negotiate more effectively and expedite solutions, which makes me a valuable asset in every team I lead.

Invest time in identifying experiences that showcase your professional strengths. It's really important to practice and be prepared for these types of questions because they will help you stand out as the best candidate for the job.

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“Tannia is the LEGEND!!! She is the best coach I’ve ever met. She taught me practical ways to build confidence and to improve answers for the interview. Thanks!” — Autumn R. | Korea


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